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Articles by Dr. Albert Snow on IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and Constipation

Welcome to a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise in the realm of gastrointestinal health. Dr. Albert Snow, a distinguished authority in the field, has penned a series of enlightening articles dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Constipation.


Delve into these insightful resources to gain a deeper understanding of these conditions, discover strategies for recovery, and embark on a path toward improved well-being. Dr. Snow's wealth of wisdom is at your fingertips, empowering you to take charge of your digestive health and live your best life.

People who see mucus in their stool are always scared and confused. They can understand diarrhea but mucus? It might sound surprising to know that this is happening for a good reason. It is trying to protect you.

This occurs in more advanced cases of inflammatory bowel conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s. In these conditions, there is considerable damage to the intestinal wall as it is being assaulted by your digestive acids. As the damage gets deeper and close to making contact with nerve and blood tissue it attempts to protect you by releasing mucus into the bowel to stick to the wall to protect it from the acids. Because this is only a stop-gap measure the mucus eventually slides out along with the stool.

Do not ignore this, as it's a sign that you are losing control of the inflammation that is destroying your colon and are headed towards surgery.

Colitis Cures? I was asked this yesterday. ‘Are there any good colitis cures?’ My answer was ‘yes there is one – it’s a natural one and it’s the same as the one for IBS and Crohn’s.’ Any other inflammatory bowel condition cure is bogus. Why is this so? It’s because these are all the same condition with the same cause and the same cure. What is the alternative? Covering up the symptoms of colitis with synthetic drugs is not a cure. You would be surprised at how many people think so. One person told me- ‘I don’t have a bowel problem—- I take prednisone!’ The one true cure is to rebuild the colon using the organic raw materials that it is made of. The last that I checked colons are not made of chemicals.

You may not realize that the various inflammatory bowel conditions are actually related: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s. Let’s take a minute and look at these conditions. From the point of view of a naturopathic practitioner each of these issues is really just a progressively worse version of the previous one.

With each of these conditions as time goes by without the proper treatment there is more and more damage being done to the tissue of the GI tract. You can compare this damage to that of first, second, and third degree burns. As the level of a burn gets higher not only is it more painful but also more complicated to treat.

I call this progression ‘the train of pain.’ Each GI issue can be considered a stop along the way. The symptoms accumulate at each ‘stop.’

The 1st stop is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The symptoms here include some pain that is more like cramping, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. These symptoms are barely tolerable and as the train runs down the track do nothing but get worse.

The next stop is Colitis. Now the symptoms of IBS have gotten more pronounced, especially the diarrhea which by now has become urgent and intolerable.

As we keep rumbling down the line the next stop is Ulcerative Colitis. Nobody likes this stop especially those who can’t stand the sight of blood—in their toilet bowel!

Now we find ourselves getting to the end of the line. We are running out of tract—as in the gastrointestinal tract from our digestive acids eroding our colon. Imagine all of the above symptoms ramped up to another level with the addition of mucus in the stool. This is the last stop on the line - Crohn’s. You don’t want to go there.

All of this pain and suffering can be avoided if you jump off that train early by seeking an alternative means of getting where you really want to go—perfect colon health.

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